

witH “a”

r e f l e c t i o n periods are vital to our creative process(es). the r e f l e c t i o n period is a time to reevaluate the people + places + things around you, and ultimately, yourself and the choices you make.

themes of r e f l e c t i o n may look a little something like this:

accountability; at some point of your being you have to take responsibility for your own choices. choices may look like learning to say “no” to yourself and/or others as you are urged to double-down on extra responsibilities. it may also look something like choosing not to create in low-vibrational spaces, protecting your process(es), or, acknowledging when you’ve messed up rather than compartmentalizing. ask yourself if in the long run your choices are allowing your creative goals the space they require to flourish.

affirming yourself; by definition, an affirmation is the assertion that something exists or is true. affirming yourself is all about realizing and occupying your own capacity, telling yourself some good personal truth. affirming yourself is doing the work of pulling the positive information from within you and marinating in the ambience of it all. affirming yourself is loving yourself to life, from the inside out.

accepting yourself; at times you may be unaware of your own growth but it’s still happening. the struggle may be very real for you, however, you do not have to make “it” make sense for everyone else. practice the act of quieting any outside (+inside👁) noise which makes you feel as if you must perform your life, or display your losses, in order to celebrate the success that is you. that performative urge, only undermines your progress.

three things, of many, the ultimate goal here is to improve how you approach your creative journey. when you exercise your ability to facilitate honest dialogue between your mind and body (see: creative bond), you open yourself to a fulfilled state of being.

as the story goes, reflection sometimes begins with “a”.


creative bond